Example Usage

import { LanguageGroupResponse } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: LanguageGroupResponse = {
  name: "Call Center 1 Languages",
  description: "Languages spoken by operators at Call Center 1",
  languageConfigs: [
      languageCode: "zh-CN",
      voiceProvider: "ElevenLabs",
      voiceDisplayName: "Will",
      dtmfCode: 1,
  skipCurrentLanguageInMessage: false,
  id: 1,
  editComments: "Added Spanish support.",
  agentsInfo: [
      id: 1,
      name: "Test Agent",
  updatedAt: new Date("2023-04-22T20:11:12.127Z"),
  lastUpdatedBy: "user@mail.com",


namestringTRUEThe name of the language group.Call Center 1 Languages
descriptionstringFALSEDescription of the language group.Languages spoken by operators at Call Center 1
languageConfigscomponents.LanguageConfig[]TRUEVoice and DTMF configurations for each language in the group.
skipCurrentLanguageInMessagebooleanTRUEWhether a message using the language group to generate a language DTMF menu should skip the agent’s current language in the menu.
idnumberTRUEThe ID of the language group to update.1
editCommentsstringFALSEComments for the most recent edit to the language group.Added Spanish support.
agentsInfocomponents.LanguageGroupAgentInfo[]FALSEIDs and names of the agents linked to the language group
updatedAtDateTRUETimestamp of the last update to the language group.
lastUpdatedBystringTRUEEmail of the user who last updated the language group.user@mail.com