Example Usage

import { AgentUpdate } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: AgentUpdate = {
  name: "<value>",
  type: "ca_v1",
  promptId: 463575,
  customMessageId: 277628,
  timezone: "America/Chicago",
  languages: [
  variables: {
    "key": "<value>",
  toolHeaders: {
    "key": "<value>",
  id: 863856,


namestringTRUEThe agent name
descriptionstringFALSEThe agent description
labelstringFALSEThe agent label
typestringTRUEThe agent type. Can be an arbitrary stringca_v1
promptIdnumberTRUEID of the prompt associated with the agent
customMessageIdnumberTRUEID of the custom message that should be delivered at the beginning of a conversation with the agent
timezonestringTRUEThe time zone in which the agent operatesAmerica/New_York
promptToolDefaultscomponents.AgentToolDefaults[]FALSEUser-configured parameter values for the agent’s tools
languagesstring[]FALSEBCP 47 codes of languages the agent supports[
variablesRecordTRUECustom context variables for the conversation session. Keys should be prefixed with “vars.”.
toolHeadersRecordTRUEOptional headers to include in tool calls for agent.
agentInitiatedbooleanFALSEWhether the agent initiates conversation with a user after the custom_message is delivered
idnumberTRUEThe agent ID