A tool is a function that an agent can call to perform actions like accessing databases, making API calls, or processing data. For an agent to have access to a tool, the prompt associated with that agent should be linked to the tool and include instructions to use it.

Example Usage

import { ToolResponse } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: ToolResponse = {
  name: "<value>",
  definition: {
    tool: {
      function: {
        name: "<value>",
        description: "weary exactly tepid gratefully",
        parameters: {},
  serviceId: 75359,
  id: 424663,


namestringTRUEThe name of the tool
definitioncomponents.ToolDefinitionTRUEA tool that can be called from an LLM during the conversation.
serviceIdnumberTRUEThe service this tool belongs to
idnumberTRUEThe ID of the tool
serviceNamestringFALSEThe name of the service to which the tool belongs