A session is an individual voice or chat conversation that a user has with an agent.

Session list

To see sessions that have been logged for your org, click Sessions on the left navbar. The sessions list screen allows you to filter sessions using the following criteria:

  • Start time and/or end time: Search for sessions that began within a specific time range.

  • Agent name: Search for sessions where the user communicated with a specific agent.

  • Channel: Search for sessions that occurred on a specific channel.

  • User: Search for sessions where a specific user (username/phone number) participated.

  • Hide test (under “More filters” button): Filter out sessions that occurred on a test channel.

The table contains the following columns:

  • Time: The time at which the session began.

  • Duration: The duration of the session (will always be N/A for non-voice sessions).

  • Channel type: Whether the session occurred on Voice SIP or Web chat.

  • Agent: The agent with which the user communicated.

  • User: The username or phone number of the user.

  • Test: Test or Live, depending on whether the channel was designated as a test channel.

  • Whether the session has been labeled by a user (see below). No label will appear if it has not.

  • Copy (icon): Copy the URL of the session details to the clipboard.

Session details

To view details for a specific session, click on its row in the table. A new section with details appears.

The header shows all the information from the table for the session. The details open to the “Transcript” tab, which shows the transcript of the session, as well as an “AI Summary” generated by an LLM that briefly summarizes it.

The “Inspect tools” tab shows a summary of all tool calls that the agent made during the session.

You can see the parameters that were sent to the tool in the “Arguments” section, and the API response (if applicable) in the “Results” section. This feature is useful for debugging tools that aren’t working as intended.

The “Label” button allows you to manually add labels and notes to a given session.

  • Rating: Whether the overall rating for the agent’s performance is “Bad,” “OK,” “Good,” or “N/A.”

  • Issues: Select one or more issues that occurred during the session from a list of common issues.

  • Notes: Freetext entry of additional notes.

Note that once a user has added a label to a given session, the label cannot be updated or deleted.