Messages are configurable text that the agent reads to the user - for example, every agent must be associated with a message to be delivered as a greeting at the beginning of the conversation. Messages are set up with time-based logic so that the agent can deliver different variations on the message depending on the date and time of the conversation.

Configure a Message

  • Message name: The name of your Message. Use a name that’s easily remembered and specific enough to distinguish it from other Messages.

  • Label (optional): A plain text indicator to help you remember your Message. It should be different from the name.

Message rules

These rules let you control when and what your Agent will say - for example, if a business is either closed or unavailable for a holiday.

  • Rule description: Information related to the rule, like why it’s used or which Agent(s) will use it. 

  • Condition: Select whether you want the rule to take effect when the time/date IS a certain value, or when it’s NOT a certain value. 

  • Time type: Select whether the messages should follow rules based on the day of the week, like for a Friday closure, or specific date(s), like a holiday. 

  • Time range: Indicate whether the message should follow a specific time of day.

  • [ ] all day: Check this box if the rule should apply all day for the selected days.

  • Message: Write out the specific message the Agent will say based on the logic you just defined. 

  • Add condition: Click the + to add additional Message rules. If multiple rules match, Syllable will use the message corresponding to the most specific rule.