Example Usage

import { ToolUpdateRequest } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: ToolUpdateRequest = {
  name: "Weather Fetcher",
  definition: {
    tool: {
      function: {
        name: "weather_fetcher",
        description: "Fetches weather data",
        parameters: "<value>",
    endpoint: {
      url: "https://api.example.com",
      method: "post",
      argumentLocation: "query",
    defaults: "<value>",
  serviceId: 222864,
  id: 80532,


namestringTRUEThe name of the toolWeather Fetcher
definitioncomponents.ToolDefinitionTRUEA tool that can be called from an LLM during the conversation. See https://docs.syllable.ai/Resources/Tools.
serviceIdnumberTRUEThe service to which this tool belongs
idnumberTRUEThe ID of the tool
lastUpdatedCommentsstringFALSEUpdate comments