Example Usage

import { DaoCustomMessageRule } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: DaoCustomMessageRule = {
  description: "runny rough agreeable beneath unlike vastly but",
  invert: false,
  text: "<value>",


descriptionstringTRUEThe description of the rule
timeRangeStartstringFALSEThe start of the time range for the rule in 24-hour format hh:mm (should be null for “all day” cases)
timeRangeEndstringFALSEThe end of the time range for the rule in 24-hour format hh:mm (should be null for “all day” cases)
datestringFALSEThe date for the rule in YYYY-MM-DD format
daysOfWeekcomponents.DayOfWeek[]FALSEThe days of the week for the rule
invertbooleanTRUEWhether the rule logic should be inverted (i.e. “not”)
textstringTRUEMessage text associated with the rule