A channel target links a channel to an agent, allowing users to communicate with the agent through that channel.
Example Usage
Field | Type | Required | Description |
agentId | number | TRUE | The ID of the agent associated with the channel target |
channelId | number | TRUE | The ID of the channel associated with the channel target |
target | string | TRUE | The name of the channel target (must correspond to an organization-level target) |
targetMode | components.TargetModes | TRUE | Available modes (communication methods) for channel targets. |
fallbackTarget | string | FALSE | The fallback for the channel target (currently only supported for “voice” mode) |
isTest | boolean | FALSE | Whether the channel target is intended for testing. If true, any sessions created through this target will be labeled as test. |
id | number | TRUE | The ID of the channel target |
channelName | string | TRUE | The name of the channel associated with the channel target |
updatedAt | Date | TRUE | Timestamp of the most recent update to the channel target |
lastUpdatedBy | string | TRUE | Email of the user who last updated the channel target |
agent | components.AgentResponse | FALSE | Definition of the agent for the channel target |