Example Usage

import { DataSourceCreateRequest } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: DataSourceCreateRequest = {
  name: "Rain",
  description: "Information about rain.",
  labels: [
    "Weather Info",
  chunk: false,
  chunkDelimiter: "",
  text: "<value>",


namestringTRUEThe data source name. Must be unique within suborg. Cannot contain whitespace.Rain
descriptionstringFALSEThe description of the data source.Information about rain.
labelsstring[]FALSESearchable labels for the data source. Can be included in agent.prompt_tool_defaults for a given tool to give the agent access to data sources with those labels when calling that tool.[
“Weather Info”
chunkbooleanTRUEWhether the content should be split into smaller chunks. (This feature is coming in the future - currently this value will always be treated as False.)false
chunkDelimiterstringFALSEString that should be treated as delimiter between intended chunks. (This feature is coming in the future - currently this value will always be treated as None.)
textstringTRUEInformation that the data source will provide to the agent accessing it.