Voice and DTMF configurations for a language in a language group. List of available voices and their supported languages can be fetched from GET /agents/voices/available/.

Example Usage

import { LanguageConfig } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: LanguageConfig = {
  languageCode: "en-US",
  voiceProvider: "OpenAI",
  voiceDisplayName: "Mark",
  dtmfCode: 1,


languageCodecomponents.LanguageCodeTRUEBCP 47 codes of languages that Syllable supports.
voiceProvidercomponents.TtsProviderTRUETTS provider for an agent voice.
voiceDisplayNamecomponents.AgentVoiceDisplayNameTRUEDisplay names of voices that Syllable supports.
dtmfCodenumberTRUEDTMF code that should be used for the language in the menu generated from the language group1