Basic information about a dashboard.

Example Usage

import { DashboardTokenResponse } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: DashboardTokenResponse = {
  embeddedId: "<id>",
  guestToken: "<value>",
  name: "<value>",
  displayName: "Kyleigh36",
  supersetUrl: "",
  rank: 118917,
  label: "<value>",


embeddedIdstringTRUESuperset embedded ID of the dashboard
guestTokenstringTRUESuperset guest token of the dashboard
namestringTRUEName of the dashboard
displayNamestringTRUEDisplay name of the dashboard
supersetUrlstringTRUESuperset URL of the dashboard
ranknumberTRUEDashboard importance, 0 is the highest
labelstringTRUEDashboard label. Typically report or dashboard