A prompt defines the behavior of an agent by delivering instructions to the LLM about how the agent should behave. A prompt can be linked to one or more agents. A prompt can also be linked to tools to allow an agent using it to use those tools.

Example Usage

import { PromptResponse } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: PromptResponse = {
  name: "<value>",
  type: "<value>",
  llmConfig: {
    version: "2024-05-13",
    apiVersion: "2024-06-01",
  id: 947371,
  lastUpdated: "<value>",
  lastUpdatedBy: "user@email.com",


namestringTRUEThe prompt name
descriptionstringFALSEThe description of the prompt
typestringTRUEThe type of the prompt
contextstringFALSEThe prompt text
toolsstring[]FALSENames of the tools to which the prompt has access
idnumberTRUEThe prompt ID
editCommentsstringFALSEThe comments for the most recent edit to the prompt
lastUpdatedstringTRUEThe last updated date of the prompt
lastUpdatedBystringFALSEEmail address of the user who most recently updated the promptuser@email.com
agentCountnumberFALSEThe number of agents using the prompt