A conversation is a record of messages between a user and an agent, and is composed of one or more sessions.

Example Usage

import { Conversation } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: Conversation = {
  timestamp: new Date("2025-11-19T21:08:28.843Z"),
  conversationId: "<id>",


timestampDateTRUETimestamp of the conversation
conversationIdstringTRUEID of the conversation
agentIdstringFALSEID of the agent with which the conversation occurred
agentNamestringFALSEName of the agent with which the conversation occurred
agentTypestringFALSEValue of the “type” field of the agent with which the conversation occurred
promptIdstringFALSEID of the prompt used in the conversation
promptNamestringFALSEName of the prompt used in the conversation
promptVersionstringFALSEVersion of the prompt used in the conversation
llmProviderstringFALSEProvider for the LLM used in the conversation (see PromptResponse.llm_config.provider)
llmModelstringFALSEModel for the LLM used in the conversation (see PromptResponse.llm_config.model)
llmVersionstringFALSEVersion for the LLM used in the conversation (see PromptResponse.llm_config.version)
isLegacybooleanFALSEWhether the conversation occurred on the legacy Syllable system