Metadata about a data source, not including the text.

Example Usage

import { DataSourceMetadataResponse } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: DataSourceMetadataResponse = {
  name: "Rain",
  description: "Information about rain.",
  labels: [
    "Weather Info",
  chunk: false,
  chunkDelimiter: "",
  id: 1,
  editComments: "Added new info",
  updatedAt: new Date("2023-11-18T03:36:20.029Z"),
  lastUpdatedBy: "",


namestringTRUEThe data source name. Must be unique within suborg. Cannot contain whitespace.Rain
descriptionstringFALSEThe description of the data source.Information about rain.
labelsstring[]FALSESearchable labels for the data source. Can be included in agent.prompt_tool_defaults for a given tool to give the agent access to data sources with those labels when calling that tool.[
“Weather Info”
chunkbooleanTRUEWhether the content should be split into smaller chunks. (This feature is coming in the future - currently this value will always be treated as False.)false
chunkDelimiterstringFALSEString that should be treated as delimiter between intended chunks. (This feature is coming in the future - currently this value will always be treated as None.)
idnumberTRUEThe data source ID.1
editCommentsstringFALSEThe comments for the most recent edit to the data sourceAdded new info
updatedAtDateTRUETimestamp of most recent update
lastUpdatedBystringTRUEEmail of the user who last updated the data