A service is a collection of tools.

Example Usage

import { ServiceResponse } from "syllable-sdk/models/components";

let value: ServiceResponse = {
  name: "<value>",
  description: "upbeat merge mozzarella alliance airbrush oil yet",
  id: 129355,
  lastUpdated: new Date("2024-05-31T17:12:47.982Z"),
  lastUpdatedBy: "<value>",
  tools: [


namestringTRUEThe name of the service
descriptionstringTRUEThe description of the service
idnumberTRUEThe ID of the service
lastUpdatedCommentsstringFALSEUpdate comments
lastUpdatedDateTRUEThe timestamp of the most recent update to the service
lastUpdatedBystringTRUEThe email of the user who last updated the service
toolsstring[]TRUENames of tools that belong to the service