Create a message
Click “Messages” on the left sidebar. This will take you to a list of the existing messages for your org. To create a new one, click “New messages” in the top-right corner.
Message name: The name of the message is used to reference it elsewhere in Console, so you should pick something that’s easily identifiable. You can enter “Weather greeting” here.
Label (optional): Labels are used for filtering messages on the message list screen. You can skip this field for the tutorial.
Language menu tag button: This button allows you to insert a language menu tag into the message. You can skip this for the tutorial, but if you want to know more, see the language group docs.
Default message: This is the simplest configuration option for messages: some text that is always delivered to the user at the beginning of a conversation with an agent using this message. You can enter “Hello! I’m a weather agent. I can tell you the current weather in any city, or answer general questions about weather. What would you like to know?” here.
“Add condition” button: Messages can be configured using time-based conditions, so that depending on the timing of the conversation, an agent can deliver a different message. You can skip this for the tutorial, but if you want to know more, see the message docs linked at the bottom of this page.
Click Save to save your message. We now have all the required components to create our agent, which we’ll do in the next step. Click “Create an agent” below to continue the tutorial.